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The outbreak of COVID-19 is a rapidly evolving situation. Please call us directly at 800.734.9326 with any questions you may have regarding your policy.

Health care coverage
students can count on
Students have so much to learn, to contemplate, and to do. We try to take the worry away from both students and parents by taking the guesswork out of selecting a healthcare plan. MyStudentMedical offers comprehensive solutions tailored for specific schools. So while students are living busy lives, parents can rest assured their kids have access to a health plan, should the need arise. Yeah, we’ve got you covered.
Students have so much to learn, to contemplate, and to do. We try to take the worry away from both students and parents by taking the guesswork out of selecting a healthcare plan. MyStudentMedical offers comprehensive solutions tailored for specific schools. So while students are living busy lives, parents can rest assured their kids have access to a health plan, should the need arise. Yeah, we’ve got you covered.
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Why consider a school-provided health care option?
There’s no guesswork
Getting adjusted to college life can be challenging for students and parents both. A school-provided healthcare option has been specifically customized with students’ particular needs in mind.
So while you’re busy sorting out dorm room assignments, meal plans, textbooks, schedules, and maps, let your healthcare selection be something you can easily cross off your To-Do list.
You’re guaranteed coverage
Your parents’ coverage may provide the best options for you in their local area, but certain HMOs and PPOs might just not provide enough coverage if you move farther away.
A school’s designated healthcare option lets you know that you’re covered precisely where you spend most of your time.
It could make better financial sense
Being a dependent on your parents’ insurance plan may actually incur a higher deductible, premium, or out-of-pocket costs than a separate student plan for you.
You won’t know, however, until you explore your options. So before making a decision, take a look to see what type of plan your school offers. The cost of coverage might just surprise you.

A constant resource for you
Sure, you can drop by our website just once or twice a year when the time comes for insurance coverage election, but you should know that we offer much more than just enrollment forms and waivers.
We can help you request student insurance ID cards, look through a summary of benefits for quick informed decisions, find in-network providers, examine dental insurance options, and so much more. MyStudentMedical is here when you need us.